Knight Includes:
- Ability to set 6 homes
- Clear inventory by doing /Clear
- Wear a item as a hat with /Hat
- Open a crafting bench from any location with /Craft
- Rename yourself to anything with /Nick
- See when someone was last online with /seen
- See the actual username of someone with a nickname with /realname
- Feed yourself instantly from any location with /feed
- Change the weather instantly with /weather
- Return to previous teleport location with /back (Not Deathpoints)
- Spawn cows or chickens with /spawnmob
Cow, Pig, Sheep, Wolf, Chicken, Ocelot, Zombie, Skeleton, Villager, Slime, Mooshroom, Creeper, Endermite, Silverfish, Cave Spider, Wither Skeleton, and Spider
Knight Kit:
Iron Armor: Protection 3, Unbreaking 3, Projectile Protection 1
Diamond Sword: Sharpness 2, Unbreaking 2, Fire aspect 1
Golden apples: 8
Notch Apples: 8