Legend Includes:
- Ability to set 15 homes
- Clear inventory by doing /Clear
- Wear an item as a hat with /Hat
- Open a crafting bench from any location with /Craft
- Rename yourself to anything with /Nick
- See when someone was last online with /seen
- See the actual username of someone with a nickname with /realname
- Feed yourself with /feed
- Change the weather with /weather
- Return to previous teleport location with /back (Including Deathpoint)
- Spawn cows, mushroom cows, chickens and wolves with /spawnmob
- Access to /Fly
- Colored Nickname
- Ability to get other players heads with /skull
- Ability to extinguish yourself if your on fire with /ext
- Keep your exp levels when you die
- Ability to change the speed you walk or run with /Speed
- Access to your enderchest from any location with /echest
- Ability to return to your deathpoint with /back
- Access to /vanish
- Ability to mine spawners with a silktouch pickaxe
Cow, Pig, Sheep, Wolf, Chicken, Ocelot, Zombie, Skeleton, Villager, Slime, Mooshroom, Creeper, Endermite, Silverfish, Cave Spider, Wither Skeleton, Spider, Bat, Snowman, Horse, Hoglin, Fox, Zombie Villager, Goat, Llama, Witch, Magma Cube, Bee, Iron Golem, Turtle, Dolphin, Panda, Zombified Piglin, Zoglin, Salmon, Pufferfish, Cod, Cat, Parrot, Donkey, Mule, Husk, Tropical Fish, Stray, Wither, Tadpole, Frog, Skeleton Horse, Polar Bear, Drowned, Pillager, Wandering Trader, Elder Guardian, Enderman, Blaze, Guardian, and Evoker
Legend Kit:
Diamond Armor: Protection 3, Unbreaking 3, Fire Protection 2, Projectile Protection 2
Diamond Sword: Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3, Looting 3, Fire Aspect 2, Smite 3
Golden Apples:30
Notch Apples: 20